The Center for Smart Simulation and Nursing Skill is primarily used for students to learn about physical examination and primary care. The facilities of the ward include a nursing station, hospital beds, bedside tables, over-bed tables, nursing carts, simulated-patient mannequins, advanced simulated-patient mannequins, stretchers, dressing carts, one mobile nursing station cart, wheelchairs, CPR training manikins, facial inspection mirrors, ear thermometers, blood-pressure monitors, stethoscopes, and all other standard apparatus required by teachers and students for instruction, demonstration, and self-demonstration of techniques in all nursing-care areas.

The Center for Smart Simulation and Nursing Skill is also equipped with LCD TV, projector, multimedia DVD player, computer, internet services, and large-sized electronic screen in order to create an e-learning environment. In addition, there are several anatomical models of various systems (including a complete anatomical model of the human body, electronic model of cardiac blood flow, models of the trachea, eyes, heart, brain, kidneys, and breasts), Sim Mom, Sim Man, Sim Junior, and models of a foetus, of childbirth, and of a pediatric stool in the display cabinets. Outside the simulation ward, health-education signboards display information for teachers and students about assistive devices for people with disabilities and supportive materials for game therapy and music therapy.