Research Cooperation | 2021-03-30

Prof. Chia-Chi Chang, School of Gerontology Health Management, is part of a team led by Prof Lily Xiao (Flinders University) awarded a 2-year grant ($440,000) from the Australian government, National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

The World Health Organization developed iSupport for Dementia tool, an online education program for informal carers, to enhance the public health response to dementia. The team will implement and evaluate the Chinese iSupport program in Australia and Greater China.


The program aims to:

-strengthen professional collaboration in dementia research in Australia, Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau;

-enhancing understanding of Chinese carers' experiences in these regions;

-showcase Australia's excellence in dementia care policies, standards and care services;

- use the Chinese iSupport program as an opportunity to engage Australia's diverse communities in developing multilingual iSupport programs;

-showcase innovation via online education and virtual carer support groups in responding to COVID-19 outbreaks.
